Windy Day
It was a windy day this Tuesday which was great for shooting animated trees. I stand watching for a while trying to work out where and how best to represent each scene. There’s always a certain amount of experimentation in my shooting as although I have an idea of what I think an image will look like there are many variables that come into play as you actually take the shot. The exact position and direction of movement and also the envelope of the speed of movement really effect the outcome. Most of my work is hand driven. It might be on a tripod but it is moved by me so there are differences in every shot. I’ve always looked for ways of controlling the movement and will hopefully be able to look into more closely next year.
All my shots are single exposures and edited using Capture One Pro. Find out more about Capture One Pro here
Here’s a 30 second exposure using to Hoya ND filters stacked on top of each other (PROND200 and PROND16). This allowed for such a long shutter speed. You can find out more about these filters here
So when I added my camera movement as well I was able to get these wonderful painterly images.